Vision, Mission & Core Values



To become one of the leading Hospitals in the field of Andrology, Sex Medicine and Assisted Reproduction in Vietnam.


– Providing high quality, effective and affordable specialized services to the majority of Vietnamese people in the treatment of Infertility as well as reproductive health issues of the community.

– Become a prestigious facility for Sex Medicine (including LGBT and sex therapy), friendly with the LGBT community and pioneering in community support activities.

– Continuously updating and applying new technologies in examination and treatment. Focusing on improving professional quality and service quality in order to meet optimal treatment efficiency and customer satisfaction.

– Build a positive and attractive working environment in order that staff will have the opportunity to develop, trust and be dedicated to the development of the Hospital.



– The trust of our customers and partners is an invaluable asset to us.

– We always strive to gain customer’s trust by the spirit of working with high responsibility, solidarity, and integrity of each member.

– We trust our team to preserve and develop this value forever.


– We are always dedicated, careful, thoughtful, and meticulous in our work with understanding and sympathy, putting ourselves in the position of the customer.

– We always care and share to jointly build a humane working environment, thereby best meeting the needs of customers.


– We are committed to optimizing treatment efficiency at a reasonable cost and experiencing service beyond customer expectations.

– We always accompany, follow up to be ready to listen, promptly respond and support at every touch point on the customer’s journey of experience.